2017 Fishing Derby
On June 3 2017, the Kuyahoora Rotary Club held its annual Fishing Derby at two well-stocked ponds in Norway. The fishing derby is free for the youth of the Kuyahoora Valley, generally students from the West Canada and Poland Central School District. Derby registration was completed by 8:00 am with 77 young anglers who were accompanied by at least that many adults. The anglers, aged 4 through 12 years, were divided into 7 age categories and prizes were awarded for the largest fish caught in each category and a Grand Prize was awarded for the overall largest fish caught. About 73 Trout were landed in only 2 ½ hours. Lots of grilled hot dogs, soda, cookies and snacks are provided as well as prizes for just about everyone. Every year Morgan’s Bait of Camden supplies hundreds of worms for the Derby, Stewart's Shops and other vendors provide prizes for the winners. Winners were as follows:
Age Group | Name | Fish Size |
6 and Under | Alexis Ellsworth | 17” |
7 | Lincoln Vanbalkenburg | 13 ¾” |
8 | Jack Bayder | 16 ½” |
9 | Michael Gauthier | 16 1/8” |
10 | Hailly Carnright | 14” |
11 | Blake Reese | 15 ½” |
12 | Blake Lazarek | 14” |
Grand Prize | Brady Allen | 17 ¼” |

Alexis Ellsworth - Age 6 and under Group - 17"
Lincoln Vanbalkenburg - Age 7 Group - 13 3/4"
Jack Bayler - Age 8 Group - 16 1/2"
Michael Gauthier - Age 9 Group - 16 1/8"
Hailly Carnright - Age 10 Group - 14"
Blake Reese - Age 11 Group - 15 1/2"
Blake Lazarek - Age 12 Group - 14"
Brady Allen - Grand Prize Winner - 17 1/4"