2016 Rotary Auction
on May 07, 2016
Our annual auction was held May 7th at Snyder Fuel Service in Newport, NY. Many thanks are to be given to:
- Local Business who donated Gift Certificates to be auctioned
- Local Community members who donated items to auction
- Snyder Fuel Service for use of their facility
- Boy Scouts for assistance during the auction
- Les Porter for his expert Auctioneer Services
- Auction Attendees who bid and purchased the auctioned items
- Club members who volunteered their time to make this event a success
This fund raising event was very successful. Monies raised form this event will be used to support the local community in many ways, such as:
- Graduation Awards to Seniors in West Canada and Poland Schools
- Student of the Month Awards to both Schools
- Annual Fishing Derby to held May 21st this year
- Donations to the local food bank
- Donations to the local Fire Departments
- Local Families who experienced a disaster
- Sponsor a Local Boy Scout Troop
- Supporting the Dolly Parton Imaginary Library project
Again thanks to all for supporting the Kuyahoora Rotary Club and see some pictures of the event below.