On this evening we held a Joint Club Picnic at the Russia Town Park. In attendance were members and guests of the Adirondack Foothills Rotary Club and the Kuyahoora Rotary Club. Also in attendance were the incoming Exchange students for each club ( Khushi from India for the Kuyahoora Club and Lennart from Germany for the Adirondack Club). Below are some pictures taken at the picnic.


Exchange Student Kushi with her host Family


Khushi and her Host Family the Jones'




Country Contact and Khushi


Country Contact Randy Wilson and Wife Janet (Saquoit Rotary Club) with Khushi



Jeff Hazard with Lennart and KHushi


Jeff Hazard with Lennart (Germany Exchange Student) and Khushi (India Exchange Student)


Melissa and Khushi


Melissa McCredie and Khushi